Organizing Committee

Karen Calvo Díaz

Karen Calvo Díaz has a Master in Latinamerican Literature and has a B.A. in Spanish and Clasic Philology. She is currently enrolled in the doctoral progbram in Literatry Theory and Comparative Literature at the Universidad Autonoma of Barcelona. She currently teaches undergraduate Spanish at the School of Literature and Language Sciences (Escuela de Literatura y Ciencias del Lenguaje) and graduate courses in the Latinamerican Literature Master program at the Universidad de Costa Rica and the Central American Culture Master Program at the Universidad Nacional. She also works in the Academic Aptitude Test Permenent Program (PPPAA) as a researcher in the verbal aptitude area, and she has been the main researcher in the validation of test items. She has published a docen articles in her interest areas : standardized Testing, Reading Comprehension, Cultural Studies, Gothic Literature, Comparative Literature, and Literary Theory.